LBTF, Le Blog Thomas Ferrier

Archives > 2013-01


...When Gjallarhorn Will Sound

(Falkenbach) `...Morning arose that day long time gone, two ravens above him showed the way. He was guided by Odhinn, led by the one who shelters the fallen every day by day... ...Once blood was shed of countless of men, in the name of the cross and christian pray... for hundred of years his heart laid in chains but hate was growing stronger every day by day... "Ruler of Asgaard, father of Thorr, send me your powers divine... Grant me your wisdom, strengthen my soul, so revenge of our blood shall be mine... Allfather Odhinn, I entreat you with awe, to ride with me...

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Retour sur la chute du shah d'Iran

Sur Mohammad Reza Chah Pahlavi - 7 jan 2012 par PSUNE-NEUSP Bibliographie: "Mohammad Reza Pahlavi", par Houchang Nahavandi et Yves Bomati, PERRIN, 2013

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Le véritable visage du souverainisme

Vaclav Klaus, président tchèque sortant, quittera officiellement ses fonctions le soir du 6 mars, même si le nom de son remplaçant est encore inconnu, soit le socialiste Milos Zeman soit le...

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Faut-il mourir pour Bamako ?


Brèves européennes… (17)

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